Legal Notices


Pursuant to Article 6 of the French Law No. 2004-575 dated June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the different interveners in its production and monitoring is specified to users of the website,
Owner Traiteur de Paris – 4, rue de la Rigourdière – 35517 Cesson-Sévigné
SIRET number: 482 900 610 00064
Intracommunity VAT No. FR52 482900610
Publication Manager: Mikaël Leport
The Publication Manager is either a natural or a moral person.
Web host: Hostinger

Traiteur de Paris is trademark registered with INPI.

Traiteur de Paris – 4, rue de la Rigourdière – 35517 Cesson-Sévigné – FRANCE
Legal status: Limited Liability Company with Capital of 1,800,000 Euros – RCS RENNES 482 900 610.

Photo credits: Traiteur de Paris
Some images used, in whole or in part, come from websites of copyright-free images, et All the images have been modified to agree with the graphics charter.

In compliance with the French law dated January  6,1978 relative to data protection modified by the law concerning the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data dated August 6, 2004, you have the right of access to, modification, correction and erasure of data which concerns you by contacting TRAITEUR DE PARIS either by letter (to the above address) or by email.
The surfer is informed that, during his/her visits to the website, cookies may installed automatically via his/her navigation software.

A cookie is a dataset which does not make it possible to identify the surfer directly but serves to record information concerning his/her browsing on the website. The configuration of the navigation software to give information on the presence of cookies and the possibility of refusing them is described at the following address: The surfer has the right to object to, the right of access, modification and erasure of personal data sent through cookies by writing a mailed letter to the headquarters of the SARL (LLC), TRAITEUR DE PARIS, 4, rue de la Rigourdière – 35517 Cesson-Sévigné or by email.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as any works incorporated into the website are the property of the company, TRAITEUR DE PARIS, or of third parties that have authorized the company, TRAITEUR DE PARIS, to use them.

Logos, icons, graphics charters and chips, and other intellectual creations, represented on the website are protected under Copyright according to the provisions of Articles L.111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, the company, TRAITEUR DE PARIS, is the holder of Trademark Rights on the names, denominations, slogans or logos presented on the website in compliance with the provisions of Articles L.711.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Reproductions, on paper or digital medium, of the said website and works which are reproduced on it, are authorized subject to them being reserved strictly for personal use, excluding for any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes, and/or information and/or that they comply with the provisions of Article L. 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

With the exception of the above-mentioned provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification by any procedure whatsoever, and on any  medium whatsoever, of all or part of the various works of which it is composed, without having obtained prior authorization from the company, Traiteur de Paris, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright and may give rise to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings and the payment of damages.

The company declines all responsibility for the content of websites proposed as links.
Whatever the type of link established from an external website, known as a “hyperlink website”, to that of the company, TRAITEUR DE PARIS, the latter reserves to right to object to its establishment.

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